Write to us: kontakt@stowarzyszeniepzp.pl

Ordinary members list:

  • dr Marta Andhov
  • dr Anna Banaszewska
  • mec. Marcin Bejm
  • mec. Marcin Boczek
  • prof. UW dr hab. Piotr Bogdanowicz
  • dr Piotr Brzeziński
  • mec. Agnieszka Chwiałkowska
  • dr Andrzej Czerniak
  • mec. Michał Drozdowicz
  • dr Hanna Drynkorn
  • mec. Michał Gajdek
  • mec. Agnieszka Gilowska
  • dr Łukasz Paweł Goniak
  • mec. Adriana Gostępska
  • dr Anna Górczyńska
  • dr Wojciech Hartung
  • mec. Marzena Jaworska
  • mec. Jarosław Jerzykowski
  • mec. Weronika Jędrzejewska
  • prof. UŚ dr hab. Michał Kania
  • mec. Ludmiła Kitaszewska
  • dr Jarosław Kola
  • mec. Aldona Kowalczyk
  • mec. Sylwester Kuchnio
  • mec. Piotr Kunicki
  • mec. Katarzyna Kuźma
  • mec. Adam Królak
  • dr Jakub Krysa
  • mec. Mirella Lechna
  • mec. Marta Lipińska
  • mec. Agnieszka Matusiak
  • mec. Wojciech Merkwa
  • mec. Tomasz Michalczyk
  • mec. Edyta Niemyska
  • prof. UMK dr hab. Paweł Nowicki
  • mec. Michał Orzechowski
  • mec. Żaklina Ossowska
  • mec. Paweł Piotrowski
  • mec. Anna Prigan
  • mec. Kinga Rochalska
  • mec. Jan Roliński
  • mec. Paulina Sawicka
  • mec. Katarzyna Skiba-Kuraszkiewicz
  • mec. Irena Skubiszak
  • mec. Witold Sławiński
  • mec. Anna Specht-Schampera
  • dr Aleksandra Sołtysińska
  • mec. Jarosław Sroka
  • dr Tomasz Srokosz
  • mec. Agata Szeliga
  • mec. Tadeusz Szymaniec
  • dr Anna Szymańska
  • dr Renata Tanajewska
  • mec. Piotr Trębicki
  • mec. Żaneta Urbaniak
  • dr Grzegorz Wąsiewski
  • mec. Grzegorz Wicik
  • mec. Michał Wojciechowski
  • mec. Martyna Wójcik
  • mec. Magdalena Zadora-Redźko
  • mec. Tomasz Zalewski

Supporting members

Honorary member:

  • Tomasz Czajkowski

Supporting members:

  • Andersen Tax & Legal Srokosz i Wspólnicy sp.k.
  • Bird & Bird Szepietowski i Wspólnicy sp.k.
  • BSJP bnt Brockhuis Jurczak Prusak Sroka Nilsson Zamorska sp. k.
  • Clifford Chance Janicka, Krużewski, Stosio i Wspólnicy sp. k.
  • CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang Pośniak i Bejm sp. k.
  • Dentons Europe Dąbrowski i Wspólnicy sp. k.
  • DLA Piper Giziński Kycia sp. k.
  • Domański Zakrzewski Palinka sp. k.
  • Eversheds Sutherland Łachowska-Brol Sp.k.
  • JDP Drapała & Partners Sp. j.
  • Jerzykowski i Wspólnicy sp.k.
  • Kancelaria Prawna Schampera, Dubis, Zając i Wspólnicy sp. k.
  • Sołtysiński Kawecki & Szlęzak Kancelaria Radców Prawnych i Adwokatów sp.k.
  • Wardyński i Wspólnicy Sp. k.
  • WKB Wierciński, Kwieciński, Baehr Sp. k.

How to become a member?

If you meet the criteria below and wish to join our group, fill in the declaration (for ordinary members or for honorary members)
Ordinary PPL Association members may be individuals adopting the Association's statutory aims, which is an interest in public procurement and concessions law (and public-private partnership) law issues and who:

  1. are professors or habilitated doctors of law or
  2. meet all the following three requirements: (i) are registered as attorneys-at law or advocates, or as foreign lawyers from or outside the European Union in registers kept by competent district chambers of attorneys-at law or advocates and (ii) actively provide legal advice on public procurement or concessions law and who are lawyers, cooperating lawyers or partners in law firms with a multidisciplinary profile and international range meaning active membership of an international association or network, which guarantees it will obtain professional support on areas of law outside the firm's own specialisations, and logistics and organisational support in work for the Association and (ii) fluently speak at least one foreign language or
  3. are doctors of law whose doctoral dissertations were on issues relating to public procurement, concessions or related laws (state aid, competition) or
  4. are 35 years old, have higher legal education, have full capacity to take legal acts, fully exercise their civil rights, have grounded and documented professional achievements and reputation in public procurement or concessions law and is active in providing legal assistance in the field of public procurements law or concession law as an employee, associate or partner of a law firm, and have been recommended to the Association in writing by at least two ordinary members of the Association, meeting the criteria listed in points 1-3 above.

Ordinary members of the Association are nominated by the Management Board.

Honorary members can be persons with higher education who have made a great contribution to the development of science or practice relating to public procurement law or in meeting the Association's statutory aims.
Legal entities and unincorporated organisational units but with legal capacity may become supporting members by applying to the Association's Management Board, which will then adopt a resolution on the matter by a simple majority. To become a member, an understanding also has to be signed indicating the form and type of the supporting member's support for the Association.

Annual membership fee for ordinary members is 300 zł.

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