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The Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technologies in collaboration with the Public Procurement Office developed an outline of the new Public Procurement Law and published it on 6 June 2018. According to the authors, the new statutory act is aimed at improving the quality of public procurement laws.
This has also been the overriding objective of our Association. Since our inception, we have taken up and pursued a number of initiatives to diagnose the condition and quality of public procurement laws in Poland and Europe and have put forward proposals addressing the problems we identified.

The Public Procurement Law Association prepared an expert analysis of selected issues connected with legal remedies which need incorporating into the Polish legal system with a view to enhancing the efficiency of the Polish legal remedies system, in line with review procedure directives.

The analysis was submitted on 8 June 2018 to the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technologies, the Public Procurement Office, the National Appeals Chamber and the Ministry of Justice.

You can read the Association’s position paper here:
Ekspertyza Stowarzyszenia Prawa Zamówień Publicznych

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