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On May 15, 2024, the final oral stage of the IV edition of the Moot Court tournament for law and administration students, "Legal Representation before the National Appeal Chamber," took place at the Public Procurement Office headquarters in Warsaw.

The tournament was organized by the Public Procurement Law Association. The IV edition was held under the honorary patronage of the President of the Public Procurement Office, Hubert Nowak, and the President of the National Appeal Chamber, Jan Kuzawiński. The award ceremony was attended by the Director General of the PPO, Marek Redźko, and Jan Roliński, Board Member of the SPZP.

The cash prize for the first place was funded by the Public Procurement Law Association and the Public Procurement Law Section of the Warsaw Bar Association.

The final competition involved teams from four universities:

Team 1 - Adam Mickiewicz University (supervisor: Dr. Jarosław Kola):

Anna Cynkarz
Jakub Bronka
Szymon Siuda
Alex Zinenko

Team 2 - Kozminski University in Warsaw (supervisor: Dr. Zofia Snażyk):

Zuzanna Nowak
Adam Roszkowski
Alicja Ziemlińska

Team 3 - Cracow University of Economics (supervisor: Dr. Małgorzata Moras):

Martyna Abram
Kamila Bochniarz
Pola Filipowicz
Katarzyna Leszczyńska
Aleksandra Pintal

Team 4 - University of Szczecin (supervisor: Adv. Piotr Mazuro):

Weronika Lencewicz
Julia Pakuła
Marita Romańczuk
Katarzyna Rytwińska

The final part consisted of teams acting as legal representatives of contractors in a simulated hearing before the National Appeal Chamber (NAC).

The competition was judged by a jury consisting of:

Jan Kuzawiński – President of the National Appeal Chamber
Paulina Sawicka – representative of the Public Procurement Law Section of the Warsaw Bar Association
Magdalena Grabarczyk – former member of the National Appeal Chamber (2007 - 2022)
Sylwester Kuchnio – former member of the National Appeal Chamber (2009 - 2017)

Members of the PPLA assumed the role of the contracting authority:

Adv. Irena Skubiszak
Adv. Żaneta Urbaniak
Adv. Michał Wojciechowski
Adv. Witold Sławiński

The final closely resembled actual proceedings before the NAC. In evaluating the oral presentations, the judges considered not only their substantive quality but also the composure and ability to respond to the jury's questions and the precision of the rebuttals.

Results of the IV edition of the Moot Court: "Legal Representation before the National Appeal Chamber":

First place - University of Szczecin

Second place ex aequo was awarded to the remaining teams:

Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Kozminski University in Warsaw
Cracow University of Economics

Moreover, this year's jury decided to award the title of "best speaker" to two students:

Julia Pakuła from the University of Szczecin team
Szymon Siuda from the Adam Mickiewicz University team

"We are very pleased that another edition of our tournament has attracted so much interest. This event is an important part of the Association's educational mission, and we believe it will contribute to the popularization of public procurement law among students and encourage them to pursue careers in this field," added Wojciech Merkwa, Board Member of the Association.

Congratulations to the winners and all participants!

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